Friday, September 14, 2012

Getting wet and growing up

It's gorgeous outside and Abigail is sleeping.  This summer I've been plagued by her 1 pm nap time forcing me inside at the very best part of the day, though I suppose the fact that she and I are both really tan suggests that we are getting plenty of sun at lesser hours.  More importantly, I think I need to accept that it isn't summer anymore.  Three weeks ago Abigail started preschool on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  She's doing really well.  I wouldn't say she loves it, but she enjoys the activities, participates, doesn't cry, and if you ask if she wants to go to school the answer is "right now".  You won't believe how big she is, so I'll provide proof.
Delighted to be sitting on the door ledge and to match the American flag
Kissing her new baby (Tina), one of the many gifts in the never-ending birthday string--so sweet
Waiting to go sailing with the Bowen family on a sunny Saturday morning a few weeks ago
Dinner time with Da da
For the first time in the 7-or-so months that Abigail has been taking swim lessons, I finally brought my camera.  Abigail swims twice a week for 30 minutes at a local swim school that is designed for infants and children.  It's a great place, and she particularly likes her teacher, Zach.  People often ask me what a two-year old does in swim lessons, and while I've come to learn that the answer to that question varies widely depending on the swim school, I can tell you that Murray Callan Swim School in Pacific Beach has an interesting and seemingly effective technique.  Abigail can't swim on her own yet.  She glides underwater (propelled by the teacher, but not being constantly held) from probably ten feet away from a step which she then finds and picks herself up.  She can go the the bottom of a 4 foot pool and back up, feet first, holding her breath, with only assistance at the top and bottom.  She can dive head first to the bottom to pick up a toy when pointed toward it, after which her ascent is solo and she is picked up when her head breaks the surface.  Zach is currently teaching her to use her arms...1, 2, 1, 2, which she does by herself sometimes and other times he windmills her little limbs around for her.  We are told that she is very close to moving in the water without any help.  Kicking is the last thing they teach.  Probably the most entertaining thing to watch is that she can climb out of the pool by herself, line up to dive, wait for a cue, and dive in.  Zach then backs up and pulls her arms in the 1, 2 motion all the way across the pool.  The kid can hold her breath.

Waiting her turn
Diving for a toy 
Toes on the edge

 Abigail's Uncle Dave-o gave her a slip-n-slide for her birthday, which is a total hit with the whole neighborhood.  People are seriously excited when they see it, and even moreso when the adorable toddler army crawls the length in order to drink the spouting water and then fall on her rear-end.  It's great fun.  Here's the little miss enjoying it with a friend after nap time last week.

Lastly, we celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary with a 3 hour dinner date in downtown San Diego.  Yep, we spent 45 minutes waiting for a booth at the bar and then 2+ hours enjoying a luxurious adult meal.  What a night.  Love you, babe.