Sunday, July 19, 2015

What happened March - July 2015

Two weeks ago I took a short trip, only 48 hours away from my little family, to Carmel.  I rode in an Uber car to the airport with just a carry-on, walked through security quickly, and sat in front of my terminal reading a book for an hour before boarding my flight.  So weird.

Then I met up with some friends from college who I haven't seen in a LONG time.  We talked a lot, walked a lot, ran some, too, and generally had a wonderful time.  I'm so glad I went.  I expected to have a good time, but didn't realize that sharing stories of my children with people who have never met my children made me want to update this blog, and keep updating this blog.  Memories are tricky little things, after all.

So here's a little synopsis, photo-style, with hopes of posting more frequently.  I tried to choose two photos from each month, pictures I didn't want to get lost in the shuffle of hundreds of photos, but for some months it was too hard.

As Elijah gets bigger and more able to play WITH his sister, the world of siblings is unfolding.  They fight, yes, but mostly they giggle and play.  He follows her everywhere, including into the bathroom (she announces loudly that she is going potty, so that Elijah can come running to accompany her).  They are a silly pair, and their relationship is a daily joy for me.
Hanging out at the La Jolla Cove on my birthday, with Cold Stone on a beautiful evening.  My family, the ocean, AND ice cream.  That's a good birthday plan.
This was taken on Elijah's second birthday.  He was very sick, with a high fever preceding his birthday and a stomach bug that kept him from eating much of anything for several days.  I had to cancel his fire engine birthday party, which was going to be low-key anyway.  Considering his health and his age, it wasn't worth stressing over.  He was just as happy playing in his lopsided, homemade fire engine in the driveway with his sister.  We were also visited by two very dear friends on his actual birthday.  They brightened his day with gifts and good wishes.  It was a lovely day, despite the circumstances.
The older the kids get the more they realize that Jake is a lot more fun than me!  Here they are setting off on a bicycling adventure, which probably lasted an hour and involved "roller coaster" rides and trips over the "bumpies", anything to get them laughing.  He's such a good daddy.
We also celebrated Elijah's birthday with both my family and Jake's, so he had two mini parties.  Here we are with Jake's immediate family at his brother's new home.  It's fun to watch the kids develop a real relationship with Charity, who in this picture was engaged to David.  This past weekend we were all together in Laguna Beach for Barbara's birthday and it was a wonderful time.  I truly enjoy family time more than any other.
Abigail made this crown herself.  I cut out the construction paper and she glued every one of those little beads onto the crown.  It started out as a craft project for a play date, but she ended up spending days to finish it, and she treasures the result.  I love her creative spirit.
Elijah started taking swim lessons with Abigail a few months before his second birthday.  He loves the water and they both enjoy being in the pool together.  We go twice a week, so it's part of their routine and I'm sure will be one of their more distinct memories from childhood, swimming with Zach on T/Th nights.  
Abigail lost her first tooth on Mother's day.  We were at my parent's house in Riverside, celebrating with my family.  The tooth was wiggly for a few weeks and she was playing around, chewing on Jake's finger, when the tooth fell out in front of a group of family members.  It was quite a fun scene.  She asked me if the tooth fairy is real, to which I began to reply in the same way I do about Santa Claus (Me: "some people believe Santa Claus is real", Abigail: "I think he's real", Me: "that's great, honey"), when she said "TELL ME THE TRUTH, MAMA!".  So I said that the tooth fairy isn't real.  We talked about it, and actually talked about Santa Claus and the Easter bunny, too.  I know it seems terrible to some people, but she really doesn't mind.  She loves pretending, so we pretend those things are real, no problem.  I ended up putting two $1 bills under her pillow and drawing a picture of her in her bed being visited by the "tooth parents" each holding a dollar.  Then at the end I wrote, "P.S. Don't forget to brush and floss after every meal", which is a line from one of her favorite Pinkalicious books where about losing teeth.  She woke up so happy, and still looks at the picture and asks to look at her tooth, which Jake insists on keeping forever.
I wanted to have a picture of me with each of my kids on Mother's day, so I took these before bed.
Our neighbors across the street demolished their house and built one from the ground up.  The process took at least two years, and no one was happier about it than Elijah David Wiener.  The construction workers were so taken with him that they came and knocked on my door the last day of using this machine to make sure he got to sit in the driver's seat (they took the keys out and left us alone with it).  He was one happy, happy boy.
This is a rare photo of Elijah with both of his parents, ALONE.  Abigail was at the zoo with her teachers on a special trip, so Elijah got a little solo parent time.  He's pure sweetness.
Our Disney days are SO MUCH FUN right now.  The kids are extremely excited every step of the way.  We are surrounded by imaginative, fun things to do.  We spend the day being silly in lines and singing along to shows and parades.  They are memories I will truly treasure, of tea cups, Mickey's magic show, corn dogs, "big, big, big parade" singing, Ariel rides, ice cream cones, princess dresses and Tow Mater.
Who wouldn't take this face to Disneyland any chance they get?
May was a big month, as we prepared for an extremely important event, Uncle Dave-o and Charity's wedding!
While the happy couple was seriously preparing to take the plunge….
My kids were doing this,
and this, and many other antics.
But honestly, I am lucky to have children who are so interested in what is going on around them.  Most things about the wedding were cool and exciting to them.  They were generally patient and willing to participate.
It was a beautiful, beautiful wedding.  We love the bride and groom individually and as a couple.  Everyone was happy and the joyous occasion went off without a hitch.  Here's a photo of two brothers who love each other dearly.
If there was a "hitch" in the event it would be Elijah's mini-meltdown upon walking down the aisle.  We knew it was a possibility!  Here Abigail is pulling him down the aisle by the sleeve.  He was walking toward his Dada, which was barely fine until I started singing for the procession of the bride.  Once he heard my voice he broke down and started screaming (ugh!).  He was whisked away and once I finished the song I ran off to retrieve him and feed him candy so I could actually witness the ceremony.  After that, with his Tow Mater toy in hand, he was very good for the rest of the ceremony and for pictures.  Abigail couldn't have been more angelic.  She was moved by the ceremony, and was really excited to have a new auntie.  We were also grateful for the quality time spent with some of Jake's extended family.  His cousins are so kind, and seeing them with Jerry (Jake's father) was really a treat.  I'm so happy we were able to have this experience.
My amazing sister and brother-in-law, Michele and Michael, pretty much took care of the kids for the whole weekend while Jake and I celebrated before and after their arrival and departure from each event.  Here we are enjoying the reception without over-tired kiddos to take home.  I've said thank you thousands of times, but I can't stop doing it.  Thank you!!!
She still has her wedding hair in this picture.  It's such a blessing to have relatives with which my children are so comfortable and able to enjoy themselves.  Aunt Michele and Uncle Michael Dare are exciting names in our house.
This is Abigail on the last day of school with her two best buds.  Sadly, both of these fun girls are moving on to Kindergarten at different schools, and they will be missed.  This threesome was inseparable all year long.
In honor of my brother David's college graduation, a joyous occasion which filled me with pride, we had a dance party.  Since my younger brother Danny was flying in from NYC for the event, and EVERY PERSON in my big, amazing, immediate family was set to attend, we had to get a photo.  I was determined to get a photo, and thus hired a professional photographer.  We had some moments when this almost didn't happen, due to Friday LA traffic, but here are just two of the hundreds of amazing shots that were taken that day.  My parents and their seven kids.  I love you people more than words can express.  And I'm so proud of David for his perseverance and hard work.  It was a great day.
My parents, every single one of my siblings, their spouses, and all of the grandchildren.  
Back home Elijah's fire engine/bus obsession shifted toward trains, and while he still loves anything with wheels, he will play for hours with his trains.  It's so fun to watch and participate in (even when he's throwing all the trains and tracks across the room in frustration).  He says "steam locomotive" when he sees a picture of an engine.  If you ask him if he wants to go the park, he will say, "No, E-jah-jah playing trains light now".  
Father's day morning, after the scavenger hunt.  The previous day Abigail and I hid Jake's presents around the house and she proceeded to say "Da da, don't look inside the piano bench, or under the blanket next to the couch, or in Elijah's kitchen, or in the cabinet by your bed".  He he.
We also began a week-long southern california stay-cation on Father's day.  Here the kids are watching Jake compete in a closed track bicycle race.  We came to watch and cheer, then drove up the coast to Disneyland.
There was a lot of traffic and we stopped for dinner at a Pizza Port along the coast, which is not something we usually do.  Eating out as a family is pretty rare, but we were going with the flow.  I ended up dropping the kids and Jake off at Disneyland and proceeding to check in and set up our hotel room, since it was nearly 7 pm by the time we reached the park.  Here they are fitting in a couple of rides and an ice cream cone to top off Father's day with the best dad around.
They both have his silly sense of humor, much to my delight.
Elijah started saying "wake up, ride monorail" during our 4 day stay at Disneyland
Our hotel was about 1 mile from the entrance to Disneyland, and boy was I exhausted after managing the kids with Jake and walking at least 5 miles a day for four days in a row.  Jake and I alternated days taking Elijah back to the hotel to nap, so we each got two days of Abigail disney time in the afternoon, which is so much fun.  She loves the shows, rides, characters, even the themed bathrooms.  It's her happy place.

Then we spent two nights near Crystal Cove in a lovely, family friendly hotel with lots of pools and kid activities.  Here's a picture of our one adventure to the beach, which mostly consisted of us walking down a huge hill with a bunch of gear, the children begging to go in the ocean, Jake taking them both into the freezing cold water, me wrapping them in towels and trying to get Elijah's lips back to a normal color, and then walking back to the hotel to warm them up in the shower or hot tub.  These kids are pretty spoiled by living half a mile from the beach.  If they are uncomfortable, then of course they should just go home, that's what we always do!

Introducing the box-cycle.  Jake researched and drooled over this bicycle for months and months.  He finally pulled the trigger and had it built at a local shop.  The kids are enamored.  Abigail outgrew the weight limit on the child seat that we have attached to a beach cruiser.  This bike can hold 400 lbs of cargo, so she won't be outgrowing it, well, ever.  This photo is of their maiden voyage, a 45 minute hilly tour of La Jolla.  They came home crying for more.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post I spent two night away from home in July; here's how the kids slept.
And when I got home I was extra grateful to hang around the house, paint faces, visit with Pappy, and enjoy being missed by my family.  
I always think that summer will be relaxing and provide extra opportunities to spend time with friends and family, but really we are just go, go, go, and the months are almost through.  I barely ordered Abigail's uniforms today in time for them to arrive for the first day of school, and I need to start planning her birthday party earnestly, as the date is rapidly approaching.

I wish I could slow down time and freeze their sweet little bodies at this age (except during bed time…..bed time can definitely go at normal speed, and please, please, please just go to sleep).

Signing off until after Abigail's birthday!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

The perfect first race

Today was the 2015 CMS Alumni meet, and though it was pretty quiet compared to past years, it was truly wonderful to be back on the old track, running.  

The unexpected highlight for me was the munchkin 50.  Abigail was not interested in competing.  I thought she might change her mind when she saw Elijah lined up and ready to go, but she didn't.  I'm pretty sure Elijah had no clue what was in store.
Here I am explaining the rules of the race to him
 The starter raised his hand and said on your marks, get set, go!  The kids took off.
Little nudge from Mom
 Elijah ran for about 10 meters before slowing to nearly a stand still, staring at the cheering crowd, and deciding what to do next.  The fun thing is that all the alumni were lined up in that little 50 meter stretch hooting and hollering, clapping and making a great deal of noise.  It was quite a scene. 
Once the older kids crossed the line all eyes were on my little man.  He wasn't crying, just taking in the experience.  
When he decided to keep on running, the crown went WILD, and I'm not exaggerating.  I could see in his little face that the encouragement was moving his feet forward.  Maybe he was getting his first taste of crowd adrenaline.
 And he followed his Mom across the finish line
 To MUCH applause
It might seem silly to some, but the team dynamic, and love of the sport, were always much better motivating factors to me than my own rewards.  I love Track and Field.  

Thanks to all you great people who made so much noise.  It was fun to see familiar faces and to chat with old friends, though I wish there was more time for that aspect of the day.  

My ancient legs didn't embarrass me too badly.  I ran the 1000 loop somewhere in the middle of the pack, the alumni mile (5:53), and a portion of one of the alumni 7xwhatever mile relay.  Fun times.  I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow.