Saturday, February 7, 2015

The perfect first race

Today was the 2015 CMS Alumni meet, and though it was pretty quiet compared to past years, it was truly wonderful to be back on the old track, running.  

The unexpected highlight for me was the munchkin 50.  Abigail was not interested in competing.  I thought she might change her mind when she saw Elijah lined up and ready to go, but she didn't.  I'm pretty sure Elijah had no clue what was in store.
Here I am explaining the rules of the race to him
 The starter raised his hand and said on your marks, get set, go!  The kids took off.
Little nudge from Mom
 Elijah ran for about 10 meters before slowing to nearly a stand still, staring at the cheering crowd, and deciding what to do next.  The fun thing is that all the alumni were lined up in that little 50 meter stretch hooting and hollering, clapping and making a great deal of noise.  It was quite a scene. 
Once the older kids crossed the line all eyes were on my little man.  He wasn't crying, just taking in the experience.  
When he decided to keep on running, the crown went WILD, and I'm not exaggerating.  I could see in his little face that the encouragement was moving his feet forward.  Maybe he was getting his first taste of crowd adrenaline.
 And he followed his Mom across the finish line
 To MUCH applause
It might seem silly to some, but the team dynamic, and love of the sport, were always much better motivating factors to me than my own rewards.  I love Track and Field.  

Thanks to all you great people who made so much noise.  It was fun to see familiar faces and to chat with old friends, though I wish there was more time for that aspect of the day.  

My ancient legs didn't embarrass me too badly.  I ran the 1000 loop somewhere in the middle of the pack, the alumni mile (5:53), and a portion of one of the alumni 7xwhatever mile relay.  Fun times.  I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow.