Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Pappy

This picture was taken on November 23, 2010--my father-in-law's 82nd birthday.  While Gerald Wiener is known in Brooklyn, Baltimore, Florida, New Orleans and La Jolla as a smart, funny, interesting man, with influence, mentoring insight, a history of accomplishment in psychology, great sailing skills, and a keen political mind, in our house he is simply Pappy.  If you ask Abigail "where's the Pappy" she will either point at him or point at his house, which is situated directly behind ours.  Every time they meet, Jerry asks for a "noogie" from Abigail--we lean in and as their foreheads meet they both rub heads together lovingly.  My little 15 month-old has never refused to grant Pappy this request.  They understand one another.  He adores her completely, always asks how she is before talking about any other thing, laughs heartily when she does something new, and proclaims that seeing her is the highlight of each day.  She is extremely patient whenever we are helping Pappy do something or go somewhere, much more so than if she were doing the same task with me alone.

As of late Jerry has not been well, and our family faces the challenge of taking care of two completely dependent individuals, young and old.  The parallels are abundant, though the nature of care may vary, and I find myself wondering if they are so good together because they know how much they have in common.  His face lights up when he sees her and she giggles when he laughs out loud.  With his birthday and Thanksgiving fast approaching I am grateful for my relationship with Jerry, in addition to the one he shares with my child.  He considers me his daughter, takes comfort in my presence, and values me as an individual.  He never talks to Jake without asking about me, which is saying a lot since they usually speak at least three times a day.

Happy Thanksgiving, Jerry.  I hope you feel the love surrounding you and bask in its warmth.


  1. Jerry could not ask for a better or more devoted and loving family.....he never takes this for is this devotion that keeps him going....David, Jake, Danielle, and now Abilgail....thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you are doing for this wonderful man!!
    xxxx g

  2. What a beautiful post from a beautiful family. We very much enjoyed seeing you all last weekend! Thank you again! It is beautiful that Abigail and Jerry have this sweet relationship, and I'm sure they understand each other on their own level. I am so happy for you Danielle that he respects you and sees you as a daughter, returning the same gifts you have given him. know you are doing a beautiful thing opening your heart. Kirsten

  3. Love does such things. What a blessing! Love exchanged for love. That's what Life is all about. Love you so much, sweetie. xoxo
