Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Abigail and I were out strolling on Monday, looking for the garbage truck (with which she is obsessed), when we passed one of our neighbors who stopped to say hello.  He noted that, "She's really made the transition".  I assume that he meant from baby to toddler (or little girl, in this case).  And she has.  She's lively, funny, running more than walking, spinning and dancing, always holding a baby, feeding shadow-puppets portions of her breakfast, taking rides in her plastic shopping cart, sleeping through the night, and expressing her opinions often and with verve.  Let me show you more:
Checking out her cousin Miles on a recent visit to Redlands
Trying to navigate the park while holding her favorite baby, swaddled, of course, she must be warm.
She makes me open this door so that she can hide behind it and wait for her baby to find her and give her a kiss
Sometimes she's too excited to wait 
But there's always a kiss 
After putting on ALL the Mardi Gras beads, she stands in front of the mirror--by her own request, of course 
Working on how one smiles for the camera
Climbing on anything and everything
Deciding first thing in the morning that her boots need wearing 
Family photo time on the iPad

She loves dirt
Smile for mommy!
She is usually very focused during play....serious face....thinking big thoughts, I assume