Sunday, March 18, 2012

Birthday Fun

Yesterday was Jake's birthday, and Abigail was so, so cute.  She was singing to him all day, handed him the present that she got him all wrapped up, helped him open his gifts, went to the aquarium with him (twice, actually), and was delighted to watch him blow out the candles.
Birthday-edition king cake
It was a great day for a certain Da da who wants nothing more than the love and affection of his little girl.

On Friday Jake took the day off of work and our very sweet neighbor watched Abigail while the two of us went off for a 2 hour bicycle ride.  Jake can easily be described as an avid cyclist.  He bikes whenever he can and enjoys closed course races as often as he can get away with entering.  He loves the sport and even the maintenance and work that it requires.  As for me, well, I have a pretty nice bike that I bought something like 4 years ago.  I have ridden it fewer times than I have fingers.  This past Friday I rode up Mt. Soleded twice on the 28.5 mile loop that Jake designed for this excursion.  I'm sure you can gather from the name MOUNT Soledad, that this is no small ascent.  The first time, at the start of the ride, the climb was not that difficult.  I was out of breath, but had a lot of energy and sped up immediately upon reaching the flat.  After riding through Mission Bay and down toward Ocean Beach, with a few stretches of riding as fast as possible on Jake's wheel, we turned around and added a loop on Fiesta Island before heading back up the mountain to get home.  Jake told me that this way up would be long and boring, but easy.  I said "easy for you", to which he replied "easy for anybody".  Half way up the climb I told him that he was full of sh*#, but that was the worst of my cursing.  This was a birthday gift, after all.  In the course of barely surviving I had a lovely glimpse of why Jake enjoys riding so much.  It was fun to watch his excitement, to see how easily he outstripped me when I would yell at him to go faster so that I wouldn't run into him (while he cruised along waiting for me to catch up).  Happy Birthday, love.  Thanks for always thinking I can do anything.

Big girl in her favorite PJs
Wearing my rings while reading books
Kiss on the cheek


  1. I would agree with Jake that you are amazing...especially when I consider the mountain you climbed (and the hills that dad and I DON'T climb ;-) Lucky, lucky, all of you to have each other. Lovely post. xoxo

  2. LOVE that last pic. Love for your mama, little one. Keep it up.

    And while I can def see how long bike rides (two of them!) would be exhausting - I don't care much for biking to be honest - your description of SD landmarks sooo makes me miss the place.
