Thursday, November 15, 2012

Catching Up

Well I don't have a real excuse for not posting in the month of October, but I do have some catching up to do.  Right now we are all sick and I'm putting off coughing in bed to post a little bit about my angel, because sorting through the pictures since my last post made me smile.
Abigail owns two different tu tu skirts, neither of which I purchased.  One was given to me at her baby shower and the other was a gift for Abigail's first birthday.  She did not show a bit of interest in either skirt until a toddler friend of hers decided to put one on at an afternoon play date.  Abigail's "mine" radar kicked in, and suddenly she wants to wear tool.  While some families have an aversion to all things girly, I have never taken issue with this particular hurdle in raising my toddler girl.  My princess allowances do have limits:  I'm very practical, so it's unlikely Abigail will be wearing hard plastic princess shoes around town; I'm a firm believer in physical play, so as long as she is willing to get her dresses nice and dirty, I don't mind her wearing them; and I believe that anything in excess can be unhealthy, so Abigail has princess sheets with a plain peach-colored comforter, as one example.  I do fully recognize the princess trap, now that I'm subject to its powers.  Abigail is bound to like anything that has princesses depicted on its surface, leading to the purchasing of fairytale books and princess puzzles that are sitting in the garage waiting for Christmas.  I will need to keep an eye on myself.  But who could resist this little beauty, after all?

Some extra pictures of our girl:
Carrying her lunch box to school
It's finally fall at the beach

I love this face--eating raisins
Dressed up for fiesta night at her school--she had a blast dancing to the live music