Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year 2013!

With Jake back to work today after taking off the time between Christmas and New Year's Day, the holiday season really does feel like it's over.  Considering it is my very favorite time of year, this is usually bittersweet, with memories of joy, lights, cookies and songs to look forward to in another year's time.  But this Christmas we did so much, and Abigail enjoyed every tiny aspect of it, that I feel great.  I'm ready to move on to spring and what that holds (which is quite a lot this year...we have yet to name baby boy Wiener, but I bought a book and I'm hoping for a break through soon.)

Here's a summary of our holiday activities.  I hope you all had a great, great season with whichever holidays you enjoy, or just spending some nice quiet time by a fire, drinking something warm.  

One of the reason our holidays were so lovely is due to the flexibility of Jake's family.  His mother, brother and father were willing to celebrate the day after each holiday, enabling us to spend one full day with each family.  It was so nice to wake up in the morning knowing that we could take our time and spend the better part of the day in one place celebrating, instead of rushing around trying to fit everything in.  

She LOVES to get dressed up these days (and asked me if she could wear this Thanksgiving dress this morning)
Not much estrogen in toddler world at my parents' house, but lots of cute kids!
We each lit a candle while listing what we are thankful for this year, right before dessert, it was wonderful
Eating the pumpkin pie she helped me bake--she patiently waited for this moment for over 24 hrs
Enjoying Thanksgiving #2 where she is the only grandchild and generally the center of attention :)
Just days after we finished feasting, my dad came out to San Diego for our 10th annual Christmas tree decorating.  We both look forward to our time together each year and it's become a tradition that I cherish deeply.  Abigail said all season that Grandpa "gave her" a Christmas tree.
Dad setting up the extension chord for the lights
Abigail's favorite tree-decorating activity is the step stool
Me and my Papa on our 10th year putting up my Christmas tree together
Twice we visited neighborhoods in San Diego with extravegant light displays.  The first time she clung to this little Santa that sang and didn't want to visit any other houses.  The next, we brought the stroller and saw dozens of displays.  Still, her favorite place to view sparkling lights in the evening chill was Bonair Place -- two streets down from ours was one house with a blow-up Mickey Santa holding a present and another house with a lot of decorations including a Rudolph (complete with blinking red nose).  Going "around the neighborhood" to see Mickey and "blinking nose" was a regular evening activity.
She didn't want to wear hats and jackets on these outings, but she was excited to dress like Santa
 Another semi-regular activity for the two of us was baking.  It's a good thing I happen to love baking, because I do have more than one of most baking implements (rolling pins, rubber spatulas and whatnot).  She would sit on the counter or stand on a stool and do just what I was doing nearly every time I baked something.  It wasn't until a few days before Christmas that she realized she should be asking for the fruits of her labor.  This led to some discovery for me about her taste in desserts--she likes hard chocolate (like M&M candies decorating cookies), is not the biggest fan of cocoa flavored cookies, but LOVES gingerbread.  When they are shaped and decorated like little men, she calls them Benjamin men.  She eats the M&M buttons off the front of the Benjamin men first, nearly always breaking the cookie to pieces and shoving as much of it into her mouth as quickly as possible afterward.

 Abigail loved all of the holiday music, especially when sung by yours truly at the Hotel Del Coronado.  I sang there three times with a new caroling group this year and had great fun.  The dynamic is definitely different from what I was used to, but they are a relaxed bunch, and they really enjoy the holiday music and spirit.  It was well worth the effort I put into learning the new music.
The first two visits she was content to sit and watch from the floor or Daddy's arms -- by the third time she was standing in my skirts ringing jingle bells along with us.
We also went to a showing of the Nutcracker at the San Diego Civic Theater.  The show started at 7 pm, so my hope was that she would make it to intermission without making too much noise and we could head home around 8:15 pm for a not-too-unreasonable bedtime.  She was great.  If I hadn't snuck in snacks and purchased cheap seats it might be a different story.  But she left the theater with the knowledge that she needed to be quiet until the lights came back on when attending the theater, and that ballerinas look like princesses and dance on their toes.
The whole family at intermission
Last year Jake decided that we should make a holiday tradition of having a nice lunch out, dressed up, to mark the occasion.  We went to the Marine Room once again this year, and Abigail couldn't have been more thrilled.  She got to wear her Santa dress and attend "fancy lunch" with the whole family.  She didn't really eat any of the food there (good thing I came prepared), but she did really enjoy dessert!  It was a beautiful day with a lovely view.  This marked year two of a good holiday tradition.
Then, of course, there was Christmas itself.  We spent the morning enjoying the Christmas setup.  Abigail is not old enough to wake up super early and expect to open presents, so she woke up a little before 7 am, and when I asked her if she thought Santa visited, she said "not yet" and laid back down.  
Ready for Santa to come

Christmas Eve Photo 
Opening her new "I know you" from Santa 

She had tons of fun opening her stocking.  It was the best thing to watch.
This much mayhem with one child can't be a good thing, though much of that wrapping was from adult presents.
This is such a classic Christmas present.  Jake's mom gave it to her, along with Candy Land, which she is obsessed with.  I didn't think she was old enough for board games!
 I am amazed to say that we enjoyed this season so much, since we've been so very sick.  Almost every single one of these events was preceded by a feverish, sometimes antibiotic requiring, sickness from Abigail, or me, or Jake.  We've had a rough winter so far in that regard, but kids are resilient, and that little smile does a lot to spread holiday cheer.

Lastly in this epic post (for those who are still reading), I wanted to share some pictures of Abigail and Da da time.  She is so happy when he is able to be home all day for an extended period.  They have a great time together and he always takes good pictures along the way.  Due to my singing commitments they had a little more alone time than would otherwise occur, which was a nice bonus.  Happy New Year!  Wishing you all the best in 2013!


  1. A beautiful story of the Winter of 2013. Precious photos. Love to each of you! xoxo

  2. The baking photos were my favorite, but it all looked so wonderful! Miss you guys.

  3. you and your family are so cute :) I read the whole blog in it's entirety and loved it all! Happy New Year to you all :) and congrats on baby boy on the way!
