Monday, March 31, 2014

Positive Reflections

I'm supposed to be cleaning my house, and Elijah should wake up any minute, but I can't stop thinking about this post, so I'm going to attempt to write it in approximately 10 minutes.

Today my mind is filled with my big, crazy family.  I want to share one way in which I think each of my siblings is most like each of my parents.

Michele Renee

Mom-ness:  The ability to emotionally listen, without interrupting, even in her own mind.  When you share your feelings with Mom or Michele her attention is yours, fully, without condition or consequence.  

Dad-ness: Tough.  Dad and Michele are both tough, physically and emotionally.  In the marathon of life, they have enough determination to run the race and be the support staff at the same time.

Michael John

Mom-ness: Visionary thinking.  If you want to create something unique and incredible, Mom and Michael will each give you a different way of looking at the possibilities that you didn't even consider.

Dad-ness: Fix-all.  You have a problem?  He can fix it.  He doesn't even have to know what it is before assuring you that it will be done.
Denise Marie

Mom-ness: Existing in still moments, without judgement.  Some people, myself included, have a very hard time sitting with a person who struggles and just letting them be.  No need to change.  No need to solve the problem or try to make it better.  No need to analyze.  Just be.  And what you are is okay, which in that moment is an incredible gift.

Dad-ness:  Loving to be in the family moment.  Whether from the sidelines or the middle of the action, the moment when the baby looks into your eyes and smiles or the sibling/child rests a head on your shoulder is worth all the driving, inconvenience and fuss that often comes with finding time for family.

David Joseph

Mom-ness:  Creative eye.  David and Mom look at the world through an artistic lens.  Everyday things are beautiful, and impressions continually shape them.

Dad-ness: Reliability.  Dad and David will do anything for family (and by family I mean those who have penetrated their amazingly large hearts to become family).  I have never, ever been disappointed by these men in my life.  I love to watch them help people, without question.  I find it inspiring.
Danielle Katrine

Mom-ness: Event planning.  I plan events for those I love exactly like my mother.  Some big vision enters my head and then I have to make it happen.

Dad-ness:  Just do it.  I like to do things, physically.  It's in my blood.  Run, build, clean, cut, haul --doesn't matter what, I can do it, and probably with a flare.  Just like my old man.

Debra Ann

Mom-ness: Emotional presence and empathy.  I know not a single person in this world who empathizes like my little sister.  I am convinced that she can transport herself into the mind of another person and actually feel their pain.  It must be why she is a great actor.  She got this gift from Mom.

Dad-ness:  Above and beyond.  Whatever needs to be done will be done, by her, without question or need for reward.  Debi can do anything, and will, without considering whether the beneficiary is deserving.
Daniel Paul II

Mom-ness:  Warmth of personality.  Everyone I know adores my mother, and Danny never met a group of people who didn't leave his presence hoping to find it again.  I kid you not, everyone likes them.  And for good reason.

Dad-ness:  Bravado.  If Facebook existed when my dad was a young man, people would have publicly quaked in fear of arm-wrestling him.  And he might have breathed fire to entertain.  I'm pretty sure anything is game, and they can make it look good.


1 comment:

  1. You captured the love we have for each other so very well. Proud to be your mama, Danielle. Much love...xoxo
