Wednesday, June 4, 2014

And it's summer!

The month of May is a blur of activity and growth.  Unfortunately, much of it went undocumented.  Here are some best-of photos from April and May, with hopes that the summer will be enjoyed just as much, but with a little more to show for it in the memory books.
Mommy's Little Guy loooves the water
I feel like it was yesterday that he was crawling around like this, looking so tiny.  Two weeks ago he just started walking, and he hasn't turned back.  The photos above and below were taken on his actual birthday, April 10th,  when he was still a baby.  Sigh.
A rare occasion when I convinced Abigail to put a hat on
Above was a power trip to La Jolla Shores beach (90 minutes or so), which is a great location for kids playing in the gentle waves, but involves 10 minutes in the car each way, plus parking.  It's amazing how much of a deterrent that small obstacle is, when walking down to the shore is so much easier.  I distinctly remember this day, as Abigail was having the time of her life playing in the waves and Elijah was overtired and ready for sleep.  Juggling.
Quiet time at the beach while Abigail was at school
Inspired by a Facebook post of the Boland family with their four children at a track meet, I decided to take my little miss to the last one of the season at UCSD.  It was a big invitational, and while we had a blast, I think she will remember hopping the fence to gain access more than any of the running.  We tried an entry point that is usually open.  Once denied, we walked along the perimeter of the fencing until we were trapped between the trees/foliage and the long walk back that we just endured.  At least two or three athletes along the way asked if I wanted to hand her over the fence; knowing how shy she is, I politely declined -- until we no longer had a choice.  I handed her to a nice long jumper, who carefully helped her down, and then scaled the fence as quickly as I could.  She was delighted.  We then walked to the entrance and paid.  

The photos above were taken before I got around to making a long-promised Else dress for Abigail.  My rewards for accomplishing this task include the following: my daughter loves the dress and will wear nothing else; I hand wash and mend the dress most evenings to ensure that it doesn't fall apart and require me to make or buy a new one; Abigail complains when we go to public places and no one compliments her dress.

Abigail's daily uniform
Cruising at the La Jolla Rec Center
Mother's Day photo, in which I am the only one caring that there is a camera 
On Mother's Day the kids and I took Jake to the airport for a week-long trip to China for work.  I thought I would be upset by being left alone on a supposed day of pampering, but it turned out to be lovely.  I went for a run before Jake had to leave, then took the kids to get ice cream after nap time.  It was a mellow day with my little ones, which is appropriate in many ways.  I'm a very lucky mother.  And I'm also a very lucky daughter.  My own mom came down to San Diego for two days while Jake was away, to help out, and what a gift that was!
Making coffee with Grandma
The reception after Abigail's school spring concert.  This was the day that Jake returned, and Elijah's face pretty much sums up how I felt after taking care of the household solo
 If Elijah were to sing a song about his favorite things, it would include anything that makes mixing/whirring noises (such as the standing mixer or the blender), the open dryer or dishwasher, the tiny slide in the front yard, and last but certainly not least, his sister.
When your sister crawls into your crib after your nap….
this is how excited you feel
Another new favorite thing around our house is the addition of a tree swing in the front yard.  Abigail does some seriously scary looking tricks on this thing already.  It provides hours of entertainment.

Ready to go sailing with Da da
She gets to go sailing and I get to eat crayons.  Not sure if that's a very good deal.
 And lastly, as previously mentioned, Elijah is walking.  I no longer hear his slapping hands on the wood floor as he approaches.  He took one step, then two or three, then this:

and nine days later he was a pro.

Life is good.

I'm cool.

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