Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Thirty five years ago today my love was born--good thing!  It's funny to think that we started celebrating birthdays together 7 years ago (in our twenties) and how far we've come since then.  Jake and I met at a laboratory in Pasadena in the year 2000.  I was working as an intern for Dave MacMillan, his graduate school advisor.  We had a few short conversations that summer in groups, but I probably never spoke with him one-on-one.  He insists that they referred to me as the hot intern, though I'm sure that was just him.

Three years later I was working at Johnson & Johnson PRD in San Diego when Jake came through to interview.  He was offered a job, of course, as one of the top recruits of the year.  I remember running up to him in the parking lot as he left on his interview day to say hello and see if he remembered me, a friendly gesture.  Jake accepted the job and was placed in my chemistry group (of the 5 on site).  My first visit to his office revealed that he arrived right before his birthday, so I inquired about his favorite dessert, since I baked for every group birthday.

Another year would pass before our romance began, during which we got to know each other and he taught me how to play football.  We started dating in September of 2004.  My life was really transformed, as many of you may remember.  Happiness suited me (and still does).  Jake proposed in April of 2006, in Washington DC.  We called it our Engagementmoon, because we had such a wonderful time in our nation's capital enjoying the cherry blossoms, our love, and a lot of great friends.  We were married at the La Jolla cove just a mile and a half from where we live, and one of the places we first fell in love, on September 6, 2008.  Our wonderful, amazing baby girl was born on August 10, 2010.  

I've been so blessed to know this kind of love, to share it with our daughter, to truly be one with my partner.  Love is an incredible thing--Abigail is a testament to that.  Happy birthday, darling.  I love you more than words can express.

Family walk when Jake gets home is Abigail's favorite time of day
She LOVES the beach

With her daddy and her favorite toy
Both photogenic
Getting so, so big
Talk, talk, talking.  She loves to say "wa, wa, wa"
Resting her head
We call this toy her cookie, because she does this!
My sweet girl is growing up


  1. Happy Birthday, Jake! May this year bring you abundant happiness and many more amazing memories. Danielle, your sweet post brought a tear to my eye. :) You three are so blessed to have one another.

  2. We love you, too, Jake! Thank you for bringing so much happiness to our Danielle; for blessing us with Abigail; and for bringing humor, good political talk, and fun to our family.


    Now go to time out.
