Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My crazy life

So....I've been really bad about blogging lately, but I have a lot of excuses.  Here's what went on since the last time I wrote: sold a house, bought a house, moved into temporary housing, moved into new house, began nanny position watching a 2 year old girl and 5 year old boy in addition to Abigail on the day we moved in, unpacked boxes, got sick twice, shopped for new bed, dining room set, outdoor patio furniture, got the whole daycare pickup routine down, put both the 9 month old and the 2 year old down for naps, taught three kids to love the Pizza Song (with choreography), returned the bedding that Jake didn't like and got a new set, unpacked more boxes, tried to decorate a new house, bought a whole lot of frames for pictures of my princess, and now we are leaving for our first trip with the baby on Thursday.  Along the way we had a lot of fun and did a lot of growing, but life has been a bit overwhelming lately.  It's actually nice to take a few minutes to write this instead of trying to decorate, clean, pack....sleep.  I honestly cannot complain.  I still don't sleep much, but my little girl is amazing every moment.  I'm busy and obsessed with finishing the task of getting settled, but my new house is incredible.  I haven't been able to exercise consistently since April, but I'm going to spend two glorious weeks with my husband and baby in Kauai and hopefully do some lovely sunset runs (or sunrise runs! depending on how the baby handles the time change).  I'll send an update when we get back, but this is it for now!  Sending my love to my friends and family.  I miss you.

So sweet
This picture is out of focus, but she looks JUST like me as a baby here

Going in for the kiss with George
My happy baby
Loves the beach
Has a LOT to say
Still going
Trying on her new shades
Love this face
First time in a swimming pool
Before bed with daddy
Getting so, so big
She doesn't usually hold still long enough to cuddle, so the moments are cherished all the more

She uses Jake's neck as a seat
Loving her new yard

Watermelon face


  1. So sweet! Where did you move? Congrats.

  2. So glad for this update! You all look wonderful and it was great to be with you...hug you...on Saturday. Safe travel. Love you much!

  3. I am SOO happy for you guys that it all worked out!! Such exciting things happening in your life right now. Glad you'll be able to rest for 2 weeks in Kauai...how fun!! Great photos of Abigail. I esp love the shots of you and A in her nursery, and A and Daddy at the beach. Thanks for sharing, have a great trip! :)

  4. Soamy-we moved a few blocks inland, to a wonderful little house on the other side of La Jolla Blvd., just a block from the little park off of the bike path. I'm not sure if you ever went there. It's surprising how much quieter it is a little further from the beach. Hope you are all doing well!

  5. That's fantastic! It sounds like life suddenly became a whole lot busier for you all, but so much better at the same time. I hope the nanny thing works out well for both you and Abigail. Speaking of Abigail, can she get any cuter? She is so adorable, and looks so tiny!! We have yet to know what it's like to have a normal tiny baby. LOL

    Enjoy your vacay!
