Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Wieners in Kauai

Well, we're home!  We've actually been home for almost two weeks now, but since I live in a time warp this is quite a timely post.  For two lovely, beautiful weeks we were in Kauai.  Abigail experienced a large number of things for the very first time, which had benefits and drawbacks.  She was an amazing little angel on the airplane.  We woke her at 4 am on a Thursday morning.  She cried a little bit while I was changing her diaper, but once she realized that I wasn't going to make her go back to sleep she was all smiles, charming strangers in the airport and having a grand time.  She nursed to sleep on the way up and slept all the way until we landed in San Francisco for our layover.  She ate lunch and changed in the airport before boarding for our long flight, which went swimingly.  We sat next to a man who was very nostalgic about his own little boy's baby travelling days, so he was more than accommodating.  He even blocked the entry way so the flight attendants couldn't see that I was changing the baby on their flight seat (don't worry, it was just wet--I didn't have any other options).  We arrived in Kauai and found our way to the amazing condo that Jake booked for our stay.  In Jake's long list of skills and talents is a very real gift for planning vacations.  He has the patience and skill to find good deals that are also amazing experiences--this trip was no exception.  We had an incredible view of the beach from our balcony and an entire wall of windows to leave open all night (since we were on the second floor) and listen to the crashing waves.  At one point the sound of the ocean was so loud that I was standing three feet away from Jake and he couldn't hear what I was saying.  
We even watched a surf competition from our lanai, where this picture was taken
DOUBLE rainbow
It was particularly nice to have such a great setup since we spent more time there than we would have without the baby.  We suited up and applied sunscreen more times than I can count, but there's still only so much time you can spend outdoors with a little one.  She needed to nap, eat, and give her sensitive skin a break from the sun.    Each night when she went down to sleep we would enjoy dinner together on our lanai by candlelight, listening to the ocean and trying to spot turtles.  We had two beaches that we went to almost daily and a few others that we drove to on days when Abigail's nap schedule allowed.

My happy girl
Many a tower was toppled by our little monster
She loved her toy setup
Innocently thumbing through Ferdinand after destroying a domino tower
Happy destructor
Always offered a token domino after ruining a creation
Overall it was a really a gorgeous trip.  Abigail started waving and clapping while we were there, and she enjoyed playing independently with her toys and pulling up to standing more than ever.  The elephant in the room for me while I type is that Abigail was glued to me in a way I've never before experienced.  If I was in sight and not holding her, there was definitely squirming and likely crying.  If I was out of sight, no problem.  But that led to a vacation for me that was either solitary or holding my dear child who insisted on climbing on my head throughout the entire luau that we dared to attend.  Don't get me wrong, I love holding my child, but I'm sure you can imagine how well two weeks of not being in my presence and happy without clawing at my head felt.  That said, it was amazing to spend that much time with my whole family together, nothing to do but take care of the baby and enjoy each other's company.

My guy

She looks so much like Jake to me

Each of them holding their favorite baby
Eating pineapple with Mom
Early, early morning play
This is the "I notice you are not holding me" look
One of a few baby beaches we frequented
My favorite shot from the trip
Jake loved taking her in the water
Searching for rocks and shells was definitely her favorite past time
Which resulted in me spending a lot of time keeping rocks out of her mouth

A shot taken somewhere between the hours of 2 and 4 am, from our lanai


  1. Excellent vacation! Glad you all enjoyed!

  2. Thanks for sharing! :) You all look great and sounds like an awesome trip.

    Owen goes through clingy phases like that too...alternating with super independent phases when he won't let me get any snuggles :(. But I know how you feel when you just want a minute without holding the baby (and no fussing about it).

  3. How fun! Thanks for sharing. :-) She is growing up so fast (much to your chagrin, I imagine, LOL). Definitely a cutie!
