Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hanging in there

My little one is pretty sick.  She's had a fever since Thursday night and hasn't slept or eaten normally either, not to mention the vomit and diarrhea.  She wants to be held constantly and has a shorter fuse than usual.  Poor baby girl.  The doctor said her throat is red and she likely has a viral infection....keeping the fever down and the baby happy are pretty much our only goals.  This has resulted in 2:15 am whiffle ball rolling and 3 am car rides for three nights in a row, lots of sleeping with baby in arms in the rocking chair and more nursing than there can possibly be milk.
3:00 am Sunday morning
Trying to make it to bedtime on Saturday evening
Still has a smile for Mommy
Mommy-adrenaline keeps me going pretty well, but I did break my no-chocolate-before-noon rule today, just because I thought I deserved it.  As I rock with my sweaty baby in my arms I think of all the families who don't know if their little baby will get better, or even worse, expect that they won't.  I can't imagine dealing with that terror.  I can't even imagine if she had a 105 degree fever, as so many children do in the course of common sicknesses.  I'm grateful for her general health and hopeful for a speedy recovery.  In the meantime, send some wellness energy our way, please, if you have any to spare.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer time

The late sunshine and warm air remind me that it's summer time, and since it's Friday evening I can enjoy it all the more.  We have a lovely weekend to look forward to, with lots of visitors and beaching planned.  Our all terrain Radio Flyer wagon arrived in the mail today, so I will be assembling it and loading it up with beach gear for its maiden voyage tomorrow afternoon.  I'll have to ask Abigail what she'd like to name it.  (My guess is bwwwwwwaa.)

Right now I am procrastinating.  A weekend full of company and fun inevitably requires a few hours of cleaning.  Funny thing about growing up--I used to procrastinate from writing by cleaning.  I always had a spotless room during finals week.  Now I'm putting off the cleaning to write--some things never change.

I hope anyone who reads this is blessed with sunshine and relaxation for the weekend!

Summertime photos:
Our annual sister weekend was at my house with little Abigail

Family photos are hard to come by, so this will have to do

In her fourth of July gear

Some like to barbecue, others eat sand.  To each her own.


After mommy tickles

The sweetest face