Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hanging in there

My little one is pretty sick.  She's had a fever since Thursday night and hasn't slept or eaten normally either, not to mention the vomit and diarrhea.  She wants to be held constantly and has a shorter fuse than usual.  Poor baby girl.  The doctor said her throat is red and she likely has a viral infection....keeping the fever down and the baby happy are pretty much our only goals.  This has resulted in 2:15 am whiffle ball rolling and 3 am car rides for three nights in a row, lots of sleeping with baby in arms in the rocking chair and more nursing than there can possibly be milk.
3:00 am Sunday morning
Trying to make it to bedtime on Saturday evening
Still has a smile for Mommy
Mommy-adrenaline keeps me going pretty well, but I did break my no-chocolate-before-noon rule today, just because I thought I deserved it.  As I rock with my sweaty baby in my arms I think of all the families who don't know if their little baby will get better, or even worse, expect that they won't.  I can't imagine dealing with that terror.  I can't even imagine if she had a 105 degree fever, as so many children do in the course of common sicknesses.  I'm grateful for her general health and hopeful for a speedy recovery.  In the meantime, send some wellness energy our way, please, if you have any to spare.


  1. Sending well wishes your way, little Abigail!

  2. Awwwww, I hate sick babies. :-( I hope she starts to feel better soon. Try and keep yourself rested too--babies love to "share". LOL
