Wednesday, August 24, 2011


A picture summary of Abigail's first birthday party at La Jolla Shores Beach Park in San Diego:

Toddler cupcakes for our special girl
The barbecue and hanging out setup--the weather was absolutely perfect
Me and Abigail with Alice and Matthew
Vinny chillin' in his chair
Jerry (Jake's dad), Barbara (Jake's mom), my dad (Dan), and Dorothy (Jake's aunt)
My Pop with the birthday girl
Michele and Denise in her ridiculous hat showing Vinny the inflatable crab toy
My Mom and Barbara showed up wearing the same beach hat, so we took a  Grandma picture
Singing happy birthday
She didn't really eat the cupcake, but she wanted to feed her  Dada 
Real cupcakes for the adults
Not sure what to think of the cupcake, but the blueberry was good
My brother David being a punk about the toddler cupcakes
Debi and Miles
Abigail eating dinner
David making fun of Denise's hat
Little David looking adorable
Abigail playing peek-a-boo with her auntie
Showing off her mad vacuuming skills
More vacuum options
Loving some new toys
Photos of the birthday party courtesy of my sister, Michele.  Thanks!

On Abigail's actual birthday Jake took the day off and we went to the aquarium as a family.  This is the only picture I got where she looks remotely interested in the fish, but we had a great day spending time together.  In the late afternoon we had a professional photographer take pictures of our family at the beach.  If you aren't on Facebook, here's the public link:

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