Sunday, August 19, 2012

Summer happenings

Lately I've been keenly aware of the fact that most things related to my life before Abigail exist in times when I really, truly should be doing something else.  Right now I should be cleaning Abigail's cloth diapers (for the very last time, I might add), but I'm not.  As I sit at this computer and read about old friends and look at my guitar, considering picking it up for the first time in too long, I feel pretty content.  I wonder if it's way too hot outside to run, in which case I could enjoy a swim instead.  I should do the laundry, make dinner, mop the floor (the floor really, really needs to be cleaned), but I'm getting better at not doing those things when I should.  And if you know me, then by now you've probably figured out that this is a good thing.  It's been a busy summer.

We started potty training Abigail on Friday.  The experience has been nothing like I anticipated.  The first day she had an accident on her window seat cushion right after Jake left for work.  Then she didn't pee, not one drop, until 6 pm in the evening.  I asked and asked and watched and checked.  We played, distracted, tried out some new toys and activities that I intentionally didn't open after her birthday,
and she was in a good mood.  But she just plain would not go.  By evening she was pumped full of enough fluid that there was no way it was staying in, but she only had one real accident.  Otherwise she would tell me "potty!" and I would rush her to the toilet only to end up changing her slightly-wet-big-bird-underwear. Follow that with one healthy wet bed and that's the end of day one.  

Day two was filled with "Ma ma, potty!" followed by a mad dash to the toilet while she peed all over me and the floor and if we did make it to the toilet then she was already done -- change the clothes and clean everything up, praise her for telling me she has to go and move on.  Oh, and she told me she needed to defecate and we almost  made it (no poop outside of the bathroom and even some in the toilet, she cried).  No wet bed at nap time; no wet bed at night.   

Today she peed and pooped in the toilet, walking there by herself, three times.  She doesn't always release when she says she has to go, but she definitely gets the concept, and she's very proud of herself.  It never ceases to remind me of Jake when she glows with pride.  He likes an audience in life, and I think she inherited his true joy in pleasing those he loves.  It's adorable.

I'm amazed by her progress, but I realize this is far from over.  We have yet to leave the house or wear clothes, so we are a long way from civilized just yet.

[After posting update: well, about 1.5 hours after I posted this Abigail expertly went on the potty again. She was so happy with herself that she wanted to get back onto the potty again, just because it's fun.  The second time she was rocking side to side dancing very happily when she tumbled off of the potty and hit her head.  She has a huge knot, poor baby, and we have to wake her up after 2 hours and 4 hours to make sure she is not concussed.  Booooooo.]

Before embarking on toddler potty training we had an amazing week where two of my nephews came down to visit for a few days each.  The boys are both teenagers, so it was fun to see how they interacted with Abigail and to try to entertain two completely different "children" at one time.  I really treasure the memories, but I won't embarrass them too much by writing about it.  Here are a few pictures, though neither of them were very cooperative with the camera.
Sharing in one of Abigail's favorite past times--popsicles on the car
He beat me at Monopoly every time 
San Diego Zoo

Abigail's favorite -- the Skyfari

Izaak was on the keyboard non-stop, but would not let me take pictures
Teaching Abigail the ropes
We all convened at Abigail's birthday party when the visiting was through and everyone had a great time.  This year's party was so different from her 1-year old party (which she mostly slept through).  It was designed for her enjoyment and I'm so glad to say that it worked out.  I was questioned by more than one person about why I would have her party at 10 am on a Friday, but I wish that her birthday was on Friday every year!  We had a fabulous little party for her and all her friends at the park/beach.  It was not TOO crowded, though it was busy; she was napping by 2 pm, and we had both days of the weekend to recover from the lead up and clean up of birthday land.  
Someone was excited
Loved having her cousins there
The birthday girl in her "party dress"
Little friends 
Singing happy birthday with purple cupcakes 

Parting Videos:

1.) Present from her aunties Debi, Denise and Michele:

2.) Dancing at music class

Stay cool!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!! There were so many beautiful pictures - my favorite is the singing picture with the cupcakes :).

    Good luck with the rest of potty training.
