Monday, December 27, 2010

Baby's First Christmas

I can't believe it's over already!  I love the holiday season for so many reasons--family, music, cookies, trees, present-giving, baking and an excuse to be extra cheerful--I'm always sad to see it go.  This Christmas was special, as Abigail's first, but I recognize that's more for me and Jake than for her.  She won't remember being 4 months old, how adorable she was, the ways in which her little personality shone through in baby talk and her expressive face.  So here's a fun memory for us to share with her in the years to come: this past month Abigail has been very particular about which Christmas carols she likes and dislikes.  I will start in on a carol and she'll either listen attentively or start protesting immediately.  If she likes a carol she'll listen through as many verses as I can remember, but if she doesn't there is a zero tolerance policy.  She will not stop grunting and moaning until I switch songs.  If I choose a favorite, then she'll immediately calm and listen.  This process was well tested as we did a lot of holiday driving.  The trips home from Riverside or holiday parties were often carol-critiques.  Unfortunately, Abigail does NOT like my favorite Christmas song (O Holy Night).  Trust me, I tried plenty of times.  She was having none of it.  Funny baby.

This year I was up until 1 am on Christmas Eve baking desserts for Christmas dinner at my parents' house.  Since our baby isn't really aware of Christmas, it was fun to have a quiet evening with Jake, eating cookies and cider in between cleaning, wrapping, and baking.  Life is so different now then just a year ago, when I was hoping with all my heart that my pregnancy would be a healthy one and we'd be able to expand our family of two.  Now all our presents were Abigail-centered and our joy was found not beneath the tree but beside it. 

Pictures sections below: Family photo shoot, Christmas Eve walk, Christmas Day!

I set up a tripod on the stairs :)

I love this picture of me and my angel.

Christmas Eve 2010, sunset at Windansea Beach

Christmas Morning 2010

Opening her present from Uncle Dave-o
Not sure about Curious George
Yep, really not sure about it.
Pink monster was intriguing
She liked the paper, of course
Considering her present from Aunt Debi
Straight to the mouth = approval
A glimpse of the madness in the living room
Wiener Family Christmas 2010
Cute upside-down baby

Sunday, December 19, 2010


The front door of one of my favorite coastal houses
Living in La Jolla is truly a beautiful circumstance.  The influence of the ocean--the sound of waves crashing and the pelicans surfing along the water--is something that I've grown accustomed to, but never take for granted.  In fact, I take at least one gorgeous walk most every day, when it's dry, that is, and one of the drawbacks of staying at home with the baby is that I often feel especially alone on these gorgeous days.  I walk and enjoy; sometimes I take pictures and send them to facebook, just so someone else can see the image that is filling me with joy and tranquility.  So a couple of weeks ago I told Jake that I needed to take one of my favorite walks WITH him and the baby (and my camera).  Most weekend walks involve dad and baby time with me napping at home, since sleep is in high demand these days.  But here I've documented a little taste of La Jolla walking. It was fun to point out some of the houses that I always admire and to have someone to smile with at my favorite look-out.  I wish money grew on trees so every day could be Sunday.
The other side of the house is a cliffside overlooking the sea
The inside has curved walls with garden murals
Even the driveway is pretty
This path is in between two houses on this walk

Looking at the cliff-side view of some of the houses

At one of my favorite look-outs

The best view is always in the stroller

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thankful for Christmas

Thanksgiving is Jake's "favorite day of the year", though I think he might say that about a lot of days, considering how much he loves life.  There's food, football, family, and every excuse to sit around eating all day long.  While I absolutely love any reason to get together with my family, and of course stuffing--I love stuffing--for me, Thanksgiving is the first day of the Christmas season.  Break out the holiday music, plan your tree trimming, and start baking cookies.  It's CHRISTMAS TIME!!!  

My parents with their youngest grandchild on Thanksgiving
Abigail and her cousin, Vincent
Little cuties
The weekend after Thanksgiving we busily worked on our holiday cheer.  First we visited the Christmas tree lot across the street from our house.  The selection left something to be desired, but we got to smell the pine and pick out the biggest one they had to take home on Monday for my annual Christmas tree day with my pops.
Tree angel
Next to our tree
Sweater made by Royanna Robertson (Erin Post's mom)
Eight and a half years ago I moved to San Diego.  My one bedroom apartment had lofted ceilings, which meant that the tree size I could load onto my MINI Cooper was not going to suffice.  I called up my dad and asked if he'd be willing to come down with his truck and help me out.  Since he's always happy to spend time with one of his children, a tradition was born.  We pick out the tree, haul it home, and put the lights on.  Then we usually grab dinner together and chat, knowing that the hard work is finished.  Afterward more fun ensues as we decorate the tree with beads and ornaments, garlands and memories.  I'm to the point where I don't need to buy anything for the tree.  Over the years I've accumulated the correct tarp and brown extension chords.  I have ornaments from various trips and milestones and I really enjoy getting them all out and remembering each year.  I actually limit myself to purchasing two ornaments a year, since I already have plenty to decorate a ten footer.  One of the added benefits of tree day with my dad, aside from the fact that we are Christmas decorating gurus, is that setting aside one day a year together brought us closer.  I think it led to a dinner or breakfast here and there throughout the year, and some private conversation, which is difficult to achieve at Thanksgiving dinner for 21.

Anxiously awaiting the main event
Grandpa and Abigail taking a break

A pro in the thick of things
Our 8th tree!

With a Christmas tree and the cutest baby in the world under one roof, how can I resist the occasional photo shoot?
Looking cool by her first tree

She loves giraffes, so I'm glad there is one in the picture.

Tummy time = no problem

Sometimes I can't believe how cute she is
Posing with the Christmas frog