Sunday, December 19, 2010


The front door of one of my favorite coastal houses
Living in La Jolla is truly a beautiful circumstance.  The influence of the ocean--the sound of waves crashing and the pelicans surfing along the water--is something that I've grown accustomed to, but never take for granted.  In fact, I take at least one gorgeous walk most every day, when it's dry, that is, and one of the drawbacks of staying at home with the baby is that I often feel especially alone on these gorgeous days.  I walk and enjoy; sometimes I take pictures and send them to facebook, just so someone else can see the image that is filling me with joy and tranquility.  So a couple of weeks ago I told Jake that I needed to take one of my favorite walks WITH him and the baby (and my camera).  Most weekend walks involve dad and baby time with me napping at home, since sleep is in high demand these days.  But here I've documented a little taste of La Jolla walking. It was fun to point out some of the houses that I always admire and to have someone to smile with at my favorite look-out.  I wish money grew on trees so every day could be Sunday.
The other side of the house is a cliffside overlooking the sea
The inside has curved walls with garden murals
Even the driveway is pretty
This path is in between two houses on this walk

Looking at the cliff-side view of some of the houses

At one of my favorite look-outs

The best view is always in the stroller

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful way to spend your day - walking in paradise with your baby! I hope we can take that walk in January :)
