Monday, January 10, 2011

Let them eat cake....or rice cereal.

A few months ago our pediatrician told us that we were at our first cross road of parenthood.  We could either be in the co-sleeping or the cry-it-out camp and 2 months of age was the time to make this decision.  Harsh.  Today we exist somewhere in between those camp grounds in the do-whatever-you-need-to-in-order-to-survive camp.  I actually think this is more crowded than the other two.  At Abigail's 4 month appointment we were instructed by our well-respected pediatrician to start solid foods.  He recognized that this decision is somewhat controversial and that many doctors recommend waiting until 6 months to delay the risk of allergy development.  His reason for beginning feeding at 4 months was based on the development of sweet and sour taste buds after 6 months, rendering the 4-6 month time frame crucial to the introduction of many tastes and textures before the baby is likely to favor sweets (aka fruits, if you're an infant, though I prefer ice cream and cookies, myself).  Considering the fact that neither of her parents have any food allergies, we took the plunge.  It's been interesting, hilarious, fun, sometimes frustrating, and mostly adorable.
First bites
Wondering if she can fit her whole hand in there
I don't know about this, Dad!

She might love the food, but mostly I think she loves her auntie
 We started out with Abigail in her Bumbo chair (which Jake thinks is a rip off of Dumbo, since there is an elephant design--this seems unlikely to me, but he can't stop calling the seat a fraud), then added the tray.  Once Abigail starting trying to eat the Bumbo chair every time we put her in it by leaning over to her own hip level and gnawing at the synthetic material, we decided it was time for a real high chair.  She looks so small in the chair and we had to use a towel on either side since it's far too wide.  So far she has eaten the following delectable foods: rice cereal, bananas, carrots, pears, peas, apples, sweet potatoes, and avocado.  You should see the charades I have done in order to accomplish some of that!

First time in the high chair
Looking small in her huge chair with towels propping her up.


With her own spoon
I really can't believe my baby girl is 5 months old today.  She's growing so fast.  She loves to talk--she imitates sounds and has actually said the word "hi" twice, clear as day.  She moans and screams instead of crying, for the most part, which can be very hilarious at times (but is not so funny at 2:45 am when I just put her back down at 2:15 am).  Our book collection is growing and she enjoys listening to stories.  She plays on her back and tummy for long stretches and has rolled over a few times, but does not do so regularly, just onto her side with her cute little feet in the air.  She loves to hear us sing and sometimes even sings along, especially at bath time.  She's such a joy, truly.  I'm extremely grateful.  Enjoy the pictures!

She's getting so big.

I LOVE this face.
Happy with her daddy

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish.
My sweet baby loves the changing table.
Always happy in the morning

My happy girl


  1. Great pictures!! I think solids are nice because Dad gets a chance to feed/bond with the baby :). Nice high chair too :)

  2. I love this set of pics! We also started solids around 5 months, for the same reasons, and O has been a great eater so far. Happy 5 months, little Abigail!

  3. haha, I had to share that my verification word just now was 'rested'...gave me a good laugh!! ;)

  4. Rested is a funny word, for sure! I bought the high chair second-hand on craig's list. It was $30 instead of $100 retail, but I like it more for the recycling aspect. Why should they make another one when I can find a gently used high chair so easily. I spent a full hour cleaning year old baby food off of it, but hey, that's a $70/hour cleaning rate.

  5. Great posts. Love following the journey. The pix of you and Jake looking at her on the table in her Bumbo (with Jake in the "thinker" position) is classic! So, so sweet! xo

  6. ...and my verification was "garam" (which is quite close to my name...Gram!)

  7. love the pics and stories...cant wait for more!

  8. Happy happy little lady! To to to cute!
