Friday, February 25, 2011

6 months, 2 weeks, 1 day

Here are just a FEW things that I love about my little girl at this particular phase:

  • She says all kinds of words that I wish I could understand.
  • When she smiles her cheeks get so round and pink that I could just eat them.
  • She laughs and hunches forward when I tickle the top middle of her back.
  • Her huge smile upon seeing me walk back into a room after doing some chore indicates that she doesn't yet realize that I'm the one who strapped her into that swing contraption in the first place.
  • She wants to stand on everything, including my moving legs as we go for walks with her strapped into the moby.
  • She leans all the way forward and puts her face on the ground to taste the blanket or carpet or sand between her knees.
  • She rests her head on a pillow or my shoulder when she's tired.
  • She's just starting to reach to indicate that she wants me to pick her up.
  • Her two bottom teeth are particularly visible when she's talking and laughing.
  • When we walk by the ocean she will sometimes start laughing and I look down into her face to find her staring at the sea.
  • She checks to make sure we are near her even when she's distracted by play.
  • She has the cutest little closed-lip smile in addition to her big grin.
Our baby girl is full of life and love.  I am so grateful for her.

Happy Friday!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 4

Aw, holidays, how do I love thee.  With Jake home from work this Monday is particularly pleasing, despite the fact that I'm sick.  It's lovely to be able to play on the computer during the day with baby girl happily sitting with her papa.  

Today is our fourth day without a pacifier, which leads me to the theme of this blog.  As a mother I find it more necessary than ever to listen, observe, and follow good advice, whether it be from others or from myself.  That is just what I did this past Friday when I decided it was time to get rid of the pacifier for good.  Abigail only uses it when she's sleepy, which by all accounts is only contributing to her need for me in the nighttime by increasing her dependence on sucking to soothe herself back to sleep upon waking.  I listened to a mom friend of mine who told me that she encouraged pacifier use with her oldest, who kept it until.the age of two, but let it fall by the way side with her second, who got a head cold and didn't want it for a week or so, leaving her pacifier free within the first year.  This case study in mind, I observed Jake putting her to sleep on the weekends without a pacifier and justified my continued pacifier use by the fact that she doesn't suck on his arm angrily while falling asleep, so he doesn't need it.  As it was, I had to slip the pacifier in when she was either routing around my shirt or crying from tiredness.  She would protest for a moment and then drift happily to sleep, sucking away.  But if I tried to give her the pacifier before she opened her mouth for another purpose, she would protest mightily with sealed lips, knowing that pacifier means nap time or bed time.  So armed with my own logical nature I decided that I was the one standing in the way of getting rid of this pacifier when I probably should (right now).  It's just that once she has the little plastic friend in her mouth she goes to sleep so peacefully.  So I was faced with one of the many scenarios where it might be easier for me right now to do things one way, but far harder down the road if I choose the slightly easier path right now.  I know I will face this again and again (and I struggle with this concept in relation to sleep habits and my influence on them for my child).  Last night Abigail whined and cried on and off in my arms (and Jake's), waking up at least a dozen times within an hour because she didn't have anything to suck on while she fell asleep...but fall asleep she did, with loving parents to shush and rock, so today I will gather those pacifiers, boil them one last time, and store them away, feeling that I'm really doing the right thing.  

Now on to the pictures, which tell a story all their own!

P.S.  This has no bearing on my opinion of when is the right time to stop pacifier use.  My child actually doesn't want it right now, so it seems like the right time, if I can only let go of my own convenience.  Other kids may want or need one longer....that's for them and their parents to decide.  I believe strongly that there's no one correct way, and I certainly don't have the answers.  I really, however, wish that there was one correct way  and someone would write a book about it for me to read.  Thank you.

Biting her tongue seems to be a teething sign for our little one
Loves her toes these days and can get those feet in her mouth
Talking like crazy!
I caught a glimpse of her teeth while she chatted away.
Big, big girl

Enjoys reading with her dad, and always knows where her mom is.
Watching Jake at a bicycling race
Hanging out on Superbowl Sunday
I'm always multitasking!

The beginning of the Valentine's day photo shoot

Before she face-planted into the sand, which she actually didn't mind.
When Daddy does the photo shoot
Jake is teaching her to study at a young age
I'm not sure she likes it

One of her favorite books
Talking away

The photo back-drop started falling, but she didn't mind
My sweet angel

Loves the camera
More tooth action

Loves to get a hand full of hair
Using her pinching fingers, though she hasn't actually put one in her mouth yet
Amidst the mayhem
Fun baby

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Half birthday

I cannot believe my baby girl is 6 months old today.  The time has flown by so quickly.  She has two teeth now and can sit up on her own.  Tomorrow she'll eat lunch for the first time.  She loves to play with (chew on) toys, and she listens to reading and singing all day long.  It's amazing to feel the change that has occurred in just half a year.  All my priorities shifted, my daily activities are completely different, and my sincere happiness (along with Jake's) is centered around one small person whose cheeks get rounder by the day.  Happy half birthday, princess.  I love you.
My family

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Meeting the twins

January has been quite a month of reflection for me.  We're still trying, unsuccessfully, to sell our place and buy a bigger, more baby-friendly house of our own.  I've made arrangements to start watching two children in May while their mom, a friend of mine, goes to nursing school.  My dad got a fantastic job after 6 months of unemployment.  It's all the mixed bag that life often hands over, but it leaves me wondering at every step if my decisions are sound.  I never really worried about that before, somehow, but Abigail's complete dependence scares me a little.  I don't want her to suffer at all from my choices.  

One feeling that remains constant is my strong desire to be closer to my friends and family.  I have a pang of longing at least once a day to share precious baby smiles with my family or to meet a child who lives thousands of miles away.  It seems cruel that the most intense bonds of friendship that I formed in life were found in school and are now scattered all over the country.  Some would say only a plane ride away, but life seems to render that plane ride elusive.  Luckily, a few of my friends have family here, which brings them happily my way!  

The Boland family visited at the beginning of January.  I was so excited to see Amy and Dave and to meet their new twin boys and also see how much their oldest has grown.  Amy and Dave are both from California, so I get to see them about once a year.  It's amazing how easy it is to slip into conversation and comfort with people who qualify as "old friends", even with four children under foot.  Amy came with the three little ones to spend the whole day with me and Abigail. We were joined by the men folk for dinner in the evening.  I am SO impressed with you, Amy Boland.  You are super mom extraordinaire, staying home with Jack (2 years old) and Chris and Tim (6 months old) with all the love and sweetness that you have to give, which I can see is quite a lot.  Lucky kids.

Amy and Chris in my living room
Amy looking great with her twin boys
Chris and Abigail playing
Two babies waiting for Tim to wake up
I love how the boys are so used to touching each other and hanging out.  They welcomed Abigail very happily.
Abigail is not exactly towing the line in this one
Happy babies
Tim liked the camera, too
Little cutie pie, Tim Boland
The twins are in sync
Chris Boland and his big blue eyes
Jack telling the little ones about the Chargers
Chris sleeping like an angel
Jack with his bag o' cookies
Dave and the twins
Abigail and Chris had a dance party
All jammied up and ready to drive home
The Boland boys
To top it off, the Bolands stopped by the following day to bring my favorite BBQ for lunch.  Thanks for coming by, Bolands!  It was so nice to welcome you to my home and re-charge our friendship face-time for the year ahead.  And to all my other friends, whom I truly miss dearly, La Jolla is a gorgeous place to visit and you are always welcome at the Wiener abode.