Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Meeting the twins

January has been quite a month of reflection for me.  We're still trying, unsuccessfully, to sell our place and buy a bigger, more baby-friendly house of our own.  I've made arrangements to start watching two children in May while their mom, a friend of mine, goes to nursing school.  My dad got a fantastic job after 6 months of unemployment.  It's all the mixed bag that life often hands over, but it leaves me wondering at every step if my decisions are sound.  I never really worried about that before, somehow, but Abigail's complete dependence scares me a little.  I don't want her to suffer at all from my choices.  

One feeling that remains constant is my strong desire to be closer to my friends and family.  I have a pang of longing at least once a day to share precious baby smiles with my family or to meet a child who lives thousands of miles away.  It seems cruel that the most intense bonds of friendship that I formed in life were found in school and are now scattered all over the country.  Some would say only a plane ride away, but life seems to render that plane ride elusive.  Luckily, a few of my friends have family here, which brings them happily my way!  

The Boland family visited at the beginning of January.  I was so excited to see Amy and Dave and to meet their new twin boys and also see how much their oldest has grown.  Amy and Dave are both from California, so I get to see them about once a year.  It's amazing how easy it is to slip into conversation and comfort with people who qualify as "old friends", even with four children under foot.  Amy came with the three little ones to spend the whole day with me and Abigail. We were joined by the men folk for dinner in the evening.  I am SO impressed with you, Amy Boland.  You are super mom extraordinaire, staying home with Jack (2 years old) and Chris and Tim (6 months old) with all the love and sweetness that you have to give, which I can see is quite a lot.  Lucky kids.

Amy and Chris in my living room
Amy looking great with her twin boys
Chris and Abigail playing
Two babies waiting for Tim to wake up
I love how the boys are so used to touching each other and hanging out.  They welcomed Abigail very happily.
Abigail is not exactly towing the line in this one
Happy babies
Tim liked the camera, too
Little cutie pie, Tim Boland
The twins are in sync
Chris Boland and his big blue eyes
Jack telling the little ones about the Chargers
Chris sleeping like an angel
Jack with his bag o' cookies
Dave and the twins
Abigail and Chris had a dance party
All jammied up and ready to drive home
The Boland boys
To top it off, the Bolands stopped by the following day to bring my favorite BBQ for lunch.  Thanks for coming by, Bolands!  It was so nice to welcome you to my home and re-charge our friendship face-time for the year ahead.  And to all my other friends, whom I truly miss dearly, La Jolla is a gorgeous place to visit and you are always welcome at the Wiener abode.


  1. You are not alone Danielle in your desires to be closer to family and the "old" people in your life, those dear friends that we only catch up with once or twice a year. Know that many of us feel the same unease about being far away from those we love. Just treasure all the visits you get a chance to have. It makes them all the more meaningful!

  2. I think it's totally natural, and the mark of a good parent, to constantly question how your decisions will affect your child(ren) later on in life. With that said, I believe that as long as you always do what feels right for the family then the children will make out okay in the end. I say what is right for the family, and not the child(ren), because happy parents equal happy children too. I'm sure you two are doing just fine in the raising a happy baby department. <3

  3. It was really great to see you guys too, and meet Abigail. It always makes us jealous to come visit and walk around the beach, but that just keeps us motivated to eventually move back! Thanks for posting all of the pictures - it's fun to relive the visit. Can't wait 'til next time!

  4. I just love these photos! So glad you all had a chance to catch up. & I totally know what you mean about missing family and friends. Especially now that many of our friends are having children. But our own little family keeps me busy and feeling a deep sense of purpose. Hope we can make it out to see you before too long!

  5. Thanks for sharing all the great photos!! Can you email them to me? You are so sweet. I am right there with you about choices and missing people. You said it so perfectly!
    Thanks for having us, I miss you guys already.

  6. I'll send you a CD or a flash drive, Amy. There are a whole bunch more and so many cute pictures. Come again soon!
