Monday, November 15, 2010

Always something new

Abigail is growing and changing so quickly!  Here are some of the things she's up to these days.
Holding her pacifier...she can also take it out and put it in her mouth.
Looking at her hands.  She watches her hands move to her mouth or touch a toy.
Holding a toy that I put in her little grasp.  She can bring the toy to her mouth as well.
Playing super baby with legs stiff and head in line with her body.
Standing up and looking at her adoring daddy.
Smiling at me and the baby in the mirror
Swinging, elephant-style.
Talking and giggling from a seated position.
Paying attention to a book while Jake reads it aloud.
I have to remember to try new things every day, because it seems like her reaction may be different each time.  Our biggest struggle right now is napping.  She wants to be held for naps, which is sweet and lovely and quite impossible for 2-3 naps of 2 hour length.  So I do the best I can to get things done and spend quality time with my little girl so she gets some good nap time.  She's very good at night, but if you have any good suggestions for daytime nap tricks they would be much appreciated!


  1. Thank you so much for always finding the time to update your blog. I really love seeing and reading about Miss Abigail.
