Thursday, October 28, 2010


Today it is like summer in San Diego, the summer we never had.  But seeing as it is October, and Halloween is around the corner, we took Abigail to a pumpkin patch this past weekend.  One great thing about being a parent is seeing life through her little eyes, wondering what she's thinking, imagining her experience with new sights, smells, and sounds.  She can't walk or talk yet, but I was still completely thrilled to take her to the pumpkin patch for the first time.  Before Abigail arrived this is the kind of outing that we would fully intend to make, like going to the Del Mar Fair or spending a day at the races when they are in season, but we never quite get it together.  Now we have an adorable 10.5 pound motivating factor.

 She was pretty sleepy when we arrived.
 And she always wakes up on her own timeframe.
 I thought this patch of pumpkins was about her size.
 Jake introducing her to a goat,
 a chicken,
 a turkey,
 a duck, I think,
 and a ram.
 My mom, Debi, and Miles drove to Temecula to spend time with us at the pumpkin patch, so we had a crew walking through the "corn maze", which was my favorite part!
 We didn't get a family photo,
but we did pose with a gorde-headed farmer.
 She wasn't immediately thrilled about laying in the grass with the pumpkins.
 But I can usually tease a smile out of her!

 That's my girl.
In case you were wondering, Jake is  delighted with fatherhood.

A sleepy baby for the car ride home is always a good thing.

It felt really good to spend the whole day out and about.  We went to my nephew's baptism in the morning in Riverside, then spent the afternoon at the pumpkin patch before driving back to San Diego to catch Sunday night football.  It's nice to finally feel like we can successfully navigate anything that might come up when we take the baby out.  Of course we've been out before, we even drove hours away to my sister's wedding and spent the night in a hotel, but this was my first stress-free outing.  I wasn't really worried about anything and Abigail was happy and pleasant all day long.


  1. What a great day! Isn't it nice when the stars align and things just 'click?' I remember when I first felt that way as a new mom and life started to become much more manageable. Your little pink bundle is such a sweetheart. Those lips!! I can't wait to meet her.

  2. I totally agree about how different every experience is when you have a child. I can't say that a pumpkin patch would have been my top choice as an excursion when I was single and childless, but I love doing that sort of thing now. It's like you can actually watch their neurons grow as they discover new things.

  3. What a happy family you have! I am with Soame - I love those simple little outtings with your baby. Great pictures :)

  4. Yay! You three are the reason I started my baby blog. I love following the babies and I'm thrilled to join the ranks!
