Saturday, October 30, 2010

Funny Baby

A few weeks ago I noticed that Abigail has a tendency to put her hand on the side of her head and move her cute little fingers around.  It looks like she's playing with her hair.  I'm pretty sure she doesn't really know what she's doing just yet, but it's adorable nonetheless.  My sister, Debi, told me that I needed to catch it on video, so here is a sequence of videos.  

The first prominently features the hair grasping,

in the second she launches her pacifier and gets a little fussy,

and in the third she falls asleep on her play mat.

I would say that 50% of the time I put her on her activity mat falls asleep.  I assume she gets a little overstimulated and then the lights go out.  They are usually short little naps, 15-20 minutes, but I am always amused when I find her droopy-eyed on her "activity mat".

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